Elon Musk continues to impress. If it's not a great idea, it's something big and full of heart. This time, he revealed in an interview with Beijing Television that he didn't think his kids' school was good enough. So he created his own for them.

The school is called Ad Astra, and it currently holds 14 kids. It has no grade levels, and Musk makes all the children go through the same grade at the same time.


He wasn't happy with his kids' traditional elementary school:

“I didn’t see the regular schools doing the things I thought should be done,” he explained, so he took his kids out, started Ad Astra, and hired one of his children’s old teachers to work for him

He explains how the school works:

“Some people love English or languages. Some people love math. Some people love music. Different abilities, different times. It makes more sense to cater the education to match their aptitudes and abilities.

“It’s important to teach problem solving, or teach to the problem and not the tools … Let’s say you’re trying to teach people about how engines work. A more traditional approach would be saying, ‘we’re going to teach all about screwdrivers and wrenches.’ This is a very difficult way to do it.”

And as far as Ad Astra is concerned, the kids love going to this school. Will Musk reinvent education as well?