There are a lot of things most people don't even know about their own boobs. Here's some 17 pieces of trivia you can scroll through to learn a little more about those lady lumps you have. Check it out below:

1. A lot of people have lumpy boobs


It's something that affects more than half of women at some point and it is called fibrocystic breast changes. It'll most likely be noticable during your period and is common between the ages of 20 and 50. Totally normal and nothing to worry about but if the pain becomes worse, then you should see a doctor.

2. Coffee can make boobs more sensitive


Caffeine may increase breast pain and tenderness in people with fibrocystic breast changes.

3. Working out could give you boob pain


Muscle soreness behind our boob is a real thing. It could happen if you've been doing lots of pushups or chest exercises.

4. Boobs can hurt for many many reasons


Hormones are the main cause to sensitivity, and it's due to estrogen's effects, but it also depends on the person. It can be caused by a lot of movement with an unsupportive bra, or work out. But if it gets worse, as usual, go see a doctor about it.

5. You can get an orgasm from nipple stimulation


It's rare, but it can happen.

6. Boob size is all genetics and weight


Thank your genes and body size for the size of your boobs.

7. Breast cancer can happen to guys too


Women or men can get breast cancer, although it is more common in women. But again, everyone is at risk.

8. The 80% of people who get breast cancer don't have any family history of it.

Genetics might not play a role in your absolute zero-chance in getting breast cancer. Do regular checkups.

9. Nipples and areolae come in all shapes, colors and sizes.

Not white, though.

Big, small, light, dark, they come in all shapes and sizes and colors. It's perfectly normal.

10. Boobs are made up of a few different things


For one, there's a lot of functioning tissue, which includes milk ducks and the lobules and fibrous connective tissue to help hold everything together. Everything else is fat.

11. Breast density depends on the amount of functioning tissue to fatty tissue


If there is more functioning tissue like milk ducts, lobules and connective tissue than fatty tissue, then you might have denser breasts. It becomes less dense as you get older because you are producing less estrogen.

12. You can't avoid saggy boobs


No thanks to aging, you produce less or zero estrogen as you get older, and most of your milk glands and milk ducts will regress and change into fatty tissue, making your breasts less dense. They may become smaller and less firm and may also sag. And also, no thanks to gravity.

13. Breastfeeding isn't as easy as it looks

It's not the easiest thing to do, despite looking like it is. Some even give up because they get discouraged by not being able to latch their baby on. A lactation consultant will help you out with this. But breastfeeding isn't just about being hard to execute. There's also nipple cracking, bleeding, soreness and even blocked ducts which can, and actually, hurts like hell.

14. Nipples can leak even when you're not breastfeeding


The body responds naturally to a child's cry, and you might experience leaking when that happens.

15. Chest exercises won't make your breasts perkier


You may be able to build up the pectoral muscles but there's no proof that it can actually give you a lift.

16. Drinking less alcohol and maintaining a healthy weight could help cut the risk of breast cancer


The more alcohol you drink, the more you are at risk of breast cancer. Stay healthy and fit, to cut down the risk.

17. There's probably no pair of boobs that are the same size


One is always goin to be bigger than the other, and it's not uncommon.

18. Breasts are pretty much awesome, anyway


Any arguments here?