What would iconic movie lines be if they were something else? Would they even be considered iconic? Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to change his 'I'll be back' line to something else, and thankfully, James Cameron intervened and put a stop to all that nonsense.


He told Nova's Fitzy & Wippa:

‘It was “I’ll be back” and I wanted to change it to “I will be back,”‘ he told the radio presenters, before explaining that director James Cameron fought tooth and nail against the change.

‘There was this big blowup with Jim Camerson,’ Schwarzenegger laughed, saying the Avatar director ‘goes nuts’ if you question his script writing.

‘There was this whole argument about how should we say it…so eventually he says “well, what does the f****** script say?”

‘Well, the script says I’ll be back,’ the actor replied at the time, saying Cameron’s response was to yell ‘then say it!’

…’I felt the line would sound more machine-like and menacing without the contraction.

Here's the latest Terminator movie trailer that's coming out real soon. Thankfully, that line is still sticking around: