How many of you could do the belly button challenge? It's admittedly tough, but don't feel bad if you can't. Now, the perfect response to that challenge has been met with #BoobsOverBellyButtons and it is simply flawless.

The belly button challenge originated last week on Chinese social media Weibo. It has already generated hundred million posts in which people attempt to reach for their belly button by wrapping their arm around their waist from behind.


Not many people were successful, but there were nonetheless quite a few who were.

Now, a competing challenge has popped up and it is called #BoobsOverBellyButtons.

And it's a whole lot easier, we'll have to say.

It was started by British lingerie brand Curvy Kate.

The whole challenge is about promoting body positivity.

Curvy Kate themselves have been affiliated with U.K. charity CoppaFeel!, which aims to keep women informed about the health of their breasts and raise the awareness about breast cancer.

According to their blog entry, “[T]here are a heck of a lot more important things to be checking on your body than whether your arms are flexible enough to reach all the way around your own torso,”

“We thought, if people are going to spend time trying to reach round to their belly button and share that message, why not spend time doing a boob check and sharing that — which is a far more positive health message, and could actually change your life!”

Well said!

It's also much easier!