Holly Carpenter is a 23-year-old model from Dublin and she's decided to let in on a secret of what a girl is really trying to tell you when she sends you a snapchat. So guys, listen up. This is good advice!

Holly won Miss Ireland in 2011, and prior to that she was in art college full time.


The idea for her "Snapchat Translation" came when she was on a girl's night out.


According to Holly, men aren't as skilled at sending secret meaning messages even if they try.


"They definitely use Snapchat to impress girls the odd time though...with selfies in the gym or showing off something they have cooked...A guy recently sent me a photo of his sunburn on his arm saying 'farmer's tan', but of course he was completely flexing his muscles and that's what he wanted me to look at!"


She says if  a girl sends you a drunk snap, it's a good sign.


Will you look at a Snap differently from now on?




Here are some Instagram shots of Holly, which need no translation whatsoever.