Pregnancy is not one of the causes that your period stop as your menstrual cycle could be affected by other factors as well. Don't panic if your period slow down or stop altogether. These are some other reasons why your periods can be in such situation:


#1 - Stress
Stress can cause periods to stop or be irregular as the body decides that the body is infertile and stop ovulating.


#2 - Early Menopause
Women normally begin their menopause in their late 40s or early 50s. Only a few women would experience early menopause which is caused by an auto-immune disorder or happen due to genetic reasons.


#3 - Underweight
If you're having eating disorder and being underweight, your periods may also stop. This is because the brain shuts down the hormones that tell the ovaries to release eggs.


#4 - Exercise
If you're very active and have low body fat, then this can also affect your menstrual cycle. This is due to you're using up a lot of energy in which you put your body under a lot of stress.


#5 - Medication
Strong drugs, antidepressants, allergy, low or high blood, and other medications can cause your periods to slow down or stop altogether.