Nothing is worse than a heartbreak when you're in high school. What's worse is having one of your friends steal your girlfriend. That's what happened to Harry Styles when he was younger, and it looks like he's still holding a grudge.

He apparently got his heart broken at the age of 14.


His friend Jack Robinson managed to steal her away from him.


He finally got his revenge by calling him out onstage at One Direction's Oslo Gig. And then he jokingly asked them to shame Robinson on their way out:

OK, I have a friend from school in the audience tonight called Jack Robinson. I’m going to tell you a quick little story before we do the next song. When I was about 14 years old, Jack Robinson stole my girlfriend. So if he’s still there at the end of the show, feel free — little kicks, little digs on the way out. Jack Robinson, love you, sir.

Super next-level bullying or hilarious? You decide: