Lego plans to go through some changes over the next decade. They're planning to invest $1 billion over the next 15 years to replace the plastic materials used to make their building blocks with something less impactful to the environment.

According to CEO Jorgen VigKnudstorp:

Several factors influence the environmental sustainability of a material — the composition of the material, how it is sourced and what happens when the product reaches the end of its life.

Of course, that doesn't mean Lego's awesome is going to end.


And Lego itself has been doing a lot of things to be more environmentally friendly. They partnered with WWF to develop a sustainability plan in 2013.


They've also ended their 50-year relationship with Shell over the oil company's Arctic drilling.


The company plans to hire 100 over employees to work at their new sustainable materials center in Denmark and believe that their decision will significantly reduce Lego's impact on the planet.
