Everybody wants a better life. Somebody always has it better than you. The grass is always greener on the other side, so they say. While you can never have an absolutely perfect like, you can damn sure try to get there.

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Get Fit

Got a little bit of a spare tyre and love handles going on? Not to worry, that can be fixed with some exercise. Now, not everybody is keen on exercise, and that’s understandable. Exercise is hard, it can take a tough toll on the body. The thing is, what happens after exercise is usually what makes it worth it. Whether you’re noticing positive changes in your body or just feeling better because of endorphins, exercise has got something to offer you.

First of all you need to know your exercise goals. Let’s break it down into three areas. Strength, flexibility, and endurance.

Flexibility is an interesting one. Yoga can be a great way to get rid of that stiff back and loosen up your limbs. A quick burst of yoga alone isn’t going to cut it to keep you totally fit though. You may want to look at aerobic yoga workouts to get the full experience. You’ll be flexible, but also far fitter after couple months of sessions.

Strength isn’t just limited to weight lifting, but it falls into that general wheelhouse of activity. Weight lifting doesn’t have a tremendous amount of variation to it, but it’s very satisfying. Don’t expect to be lifting to Olympic levels after a few sessions at the gym. This is something you need to stick to for the long haul.

Endurance mostly comes from cardiovascular exercise. If you’re not all, that fit you’re hardly going to be able to run a mile from the start. You need to build your body up to it and keep pushing your goals. Start small though, gentle jogging and the occasional walk to catch your breath. Keep pushing yourself to go longer and longer, and up the speed when you can.

Pick what works for you.

Eat Well

Please note that well doesn’t mean everything you like. Eating well is about eating natural foods, no processed junk that does nothing for you. How can this improve your life? In lots of ways!

You need vitamins and minerals in order to have a healthy working body. It also helps protect you against things like insulin spikes and hormone imbalances. Both those things can result in some serious highs and serious lows because of the crashes after.

The basics you need to know is that fresh is best. Fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, and fresh meat. Take a look at your local farmers market and local butcher. It might cost a little bit more than the supermarket, but you’re paying for quality not quantity.

Get A Pet

A pet can dramatically improve your life. Let’s take a cat for example. Cats are a mix of high and low maintenance when it comes to upkeep. They need feeding and watering, but they won’t always be looking for your attention like dogs will.

Cats are very independent, so if you’re a busy person this is great. Still, you need to look after it. This cat will be more than just your pet. It’ll be your best friend when you come home at night. There’s nothing like unwinding after a hard day with a warm cat nestled happily in your lap.

You need to keep it protected from threats though. Make sure it gets a regular checkup at the vet to catch any illnesses before they get worse. Also, get some Advantage for cats to protect you and it from fleas. You don’t want to be itching for months on end because you forgot something as basic as that.

Take Up A Hobby

If you’re the sort who comes home from work and does nothing, you need a hobby. A hobby is more than just a time filler. It should be something you use to improve your life. A way to generate a skill and enjoy yourself at the same time.

A hobby can be almost anything. A sport, for example. Find a local football team and see if they need an extra player. It’s a great way to meet new people, keep fit, and take up some free time.

Maybe you fancy something more cerebral. Take up chess instead. Practice against yourself or a computer simulation until you’ve gotten the basics, then find a club to play against actual opponents.

There’s always painting too. Take a class and learn the finer side of art. You can spend hours working on a canvas. Brush stroke after brush stroke detailing a painting more and more.

Take More Leisure Time

It could be you’re something of a workaholic. Well, you’re not the only one. Any recovering workaholic will tell you that what you’re doing only leads to burnout and sliding standards. Sometimes you just need to take more time for yourself.

Your leisure time doesn’t have to be filled with any particular activity either. If all you want to do is sit down in the garden with a nice book, so be it.

Find Romance

Not everybody is particularly wired for romance, but most are. If you feel you’re missing a special someone from your life, why not try something like speed dating? If you’re something of a social wallflower, this can help bring you out of your shell. Not only does it give you the chance to meet a lot of new people, it’s a great way to work on your conversational skills.

Who knows? You may just meet someone you like.

The reality is that improving your life and living it happily isn’t a straightforward thing. These suggestions are just that, suggestions. Ultimately, you need to do what makes you happy. Happiness is more than just material things and wealth though. Life's too short to be pushed around and told why you can’t live your dreams.

The real secret to improving your life is to live it on your own terms. Make sure you do that, and live for yourself.