Janet Jaywalker (real name, Janet Jaywalker), the newly crowned Miss Sabah Tourism 2015, is forever grateful to her former internship supervisor, Ms. Tina Goh, who has encouraged her to participate in a beauty pageant before she listed as one of the most wanted models among the local make-up artists, fashion designers, and photographers. 

The 26-year-old lass has never thought of being a model, and she really enjoys into this fashion industry, apart from consider this as a part-time job. Janet took the time to answer a few questions from us in which she discusses herself and her future plans. 

Miss Sabah Tourism 2015. Photo by John Heng.

FOOYOH: What is your favourite aspect about being a model? Have you experienced any challenges along the way? 
JANET: My favourite part of being a model is when I do the catwalk wearing beautifully designed outfits. I feel as if I'm the supermodel in my own world. Frankly speaking, there are times where I found that certain dresses limit my movement. It's pretty challenging, and it's quite embarrassing if I couldn't do the catwalk properly.  

Photo by Christien Cheuk.

FOOYOH: What's the funniest thing that happened to you during a photo shoot or fashion show?
JANET: Fashion show, of course! As I mentioned earlier, there are times where the designer dress limits my movement that I have to make sure that I won't fall as I walk on the runway. Most of the times the audiences caught me kicking out the dress while I was doing the catwalk, and I could see they were laughing as if they saw my main problem. It doesn't bother me anyway as long as they were enjoying with my 'kicking out dress' moment.

Photo by Samuel Yeh.

FOOYOH: Who is your favourite photographer? Why do you like this photographer? 
JANET: I believe photographers have their own style, and creativity. Thus, I don't think I should prefer one over another. They are all talented. They usually offer me challenging tasks in photo shoots. 

Photo by Juanis Attau.

FOOYOH: What would you do if anyone in the industry ask you to change your name, look, etc?
JANET: My respond would be 'NO'. God has created me this way, and I don't need to change myself just to please others. The point isn't hard to grasp but trying to please everyone is totally impossible.

Photo by Fareez Iskandar.

FOOYOH: What are the tips and advices that you have for aspiring models who just starting out? Something that you wished somebody should have told you.
JANET: Stay positive, and optimist. Accept criticism positively, and compliment wisely. Whatever people say about you would help you grow. When people say bad things about you, they are actually don't define who you are. Last but not least, you should remain humble though you have received tons of compliments. Too proud of yourself can be poisonous. 

Photo by ME Arts Photography.

FOOYOH: Would you like to share some of your future goals or any words of wisdom that you've got in life?
JANET: I would like to be successful in everything I do, and I believe we should never stop learning regardless of our age, ability, or how much we knew at some time. We must always have a hunger for learning because the day we stop learning is the day we die.

Photo by MUAH Studio Academy

FOOYOH: Do other models inspire you? 
JANET: Yes, they inspire me a lot, and I also learned so much from their experiences.

Photo by Arthur Siowou

FOOYOH: What do you do when you're not on the runway? 
JANET: I would usually take time to relax, read some books, or go fishing.

Photo by MUAH Studio Academy.

FOOYOH: What are your best beauty secrets? 
JANET: I believe beauty is not measured by appearance. Beauty doesn't lie in the clothes we wear, the figure that we carry, or the way we flip our hair. The ageless beauty is within ourselves - Good personality, and down-to-earth.

Photo by Andrew Chan

FOOYOH: How do you stay in shape? 
JANET: I do exercise regularly. And how I stay in shape is by enjoying my food. In other words, I really enjoy eating while staying fit and healthy.

Photo by Isaac

FOOYOH: What's so unique about you, Janet?
JANET: There may be tons 'Janet' in Malaysia, but being my only 'Janet' makes me so unique. I'm Janet Fabian Limited Edition. Nobody can copy me. I feel sexy by being myself.

Photo by Norman Yousuf

FOOYOH: If you are granted with one (1) superpower, what would it be? 
JANET: Intelligence. It could help me, and the world.

Photo by Amin Chong

FOOYOH: Where do you see yourself in ten (10) years from now?
JANET: 10 years? That would be a successful person in term of life, career, and family.

Photo by Jack Egualnado

FOOYOH: Do people around you act differently since you've become a model?
JANET: Nope. It's how you treat others that make them change their perceptions about you. 

Photo by Maziah Ahmad

FOOYOH: What is your favourite quote?
JANET: People will never stop learning until they die. Smile to your troubles, and better things will come into your way.

Photo by Srap Design

That's the end of our interview with Ms. Janet Fabian. We at Fooyoh.com are very thankful to have you featured on our site. We wish you all the best in your future undertakings!

**Photos credit to respective photographers/owners.