Smell plays a big role in us deciding if we like someone or something or not. Sometimes, bad smells can really assault our olfactory senses. Here's a quick test to determine what your threshold is:


Choose between these friends:

   Someone with bad body odor you can smell 5 feet away.
   Someone that's rude as fuck all the damn time.


Can you tolerate it if:

   You smell like poop and no one knows it but you.
   You constantly smell poop all the time.


Would you rather..

   Be stuck in an elevator with 2 wet dogs.
   Be stuck in an elevator with 2 guys with bad breath.


Would you rather..

   Breathe in someone's breath for 5 minutes.
   Live in a home filled with durians for a month.


Would you dump someone for having:

   Bad breath all the time.
   Bad body odor all the time.


Be remembered for being:

   The rudest asshole ever, but you're also smart.


Stay in a home filled with:

   Smelliest cheese ever.
   Smelly tofu.


Would you rather..

   Look attractive but be very smelly and you can't use perfume.
   Ugly but smell great all the time.


Would you rather wear..

   A pirate's used underwear.
   A hobo's hat.


Would you rather date..

   Emma Watson with bad breath.
   Natalie Portman who will force you into becoming a vegetarian.


Would you rather..

   Have no sense of smell.
   Smell armpits from your breath all the time.