We've made a lot of fun about Avril Lavigne before because of the way she takes fan photos. They're quite hilarious, but this post isn't about that. It's about her suffering from Lyme disease. This is her first TV interview about it and it's pretty heartbreaking stuff.

She disappeared off the radar for a bit, and fans were wondering what happened. In April, she revealed to People that she had been suffering from Lyme disease and was bedridden for five months.


She kept thinking she was dying,  “I had no idea a bug bite could do this,” she said. “I was bedridden for five months. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t move. I thought I was dying.”


Her first interview gave us a look at a side we've never seen from the punk rock princess. She frequently broke down into uncontrollable tears.


Watch the whole interview below: