According to new research published in The American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatria Genetics, people with light-colored eyes, including green, grey and brown in the center, have a higher incidence of alcohol dependency than those with dark brown eyes.

The next time you look into someone's eyes, you'll be paying attention to its color. The strongest tendency to be an alcoholic is those with blue eyes.


According to researchers Dawei Li, they are not sure why that's the case but they do know the genes that determine the eye color are the same chromosome that determines alcohol dependency.


But what's more interesting is that those with blue eyes, may be related to everyone else with blue eyes.

At some point, you and another blue-eyed person shared a common ancestor, according to a Danish Researcher. Everyone's eyes were brown until a mutation appeared thousands of years ago.


People with blue eyes also have a higher tolerance for pain.

A study was conducted separating women into groups of eye color and found that women in the light-eyed group coped with childbirth the best.


Blue-eyed people are also more competitive.

People with darker eyes were more agreeable than those with blue eyes.


People with blue eyes are also less trustworthy.

A recent study showed that people with dark eyes as being more trustworthy, and they believe the correlation had to do with the face shape of brown-eyed people.


Blue-eyed people are also more sensitive to light.

Possibly because blue eyes lets you see better in snow?
