If you’ve never thrown an axe, you don’t know what you’re missing! Men and women from all walks of life are rediscovering a time-honored pastime and having a lot of fun doing it at axe-throwing leagues and axe-throwing parties. Axe-throwing leagues have two major purposes, one is to provide a safe and fun environment for people to meet regularly and hone their axe-throwing skills, and the other is to host private axe-throwing parties.

Axe-throwing parties are becoming all the rage. Alcohol like beer and cider is permitted, just not glass bottles of liquor, for safety reasons. So what are you waiting for? Make your next party an axe-throwing party!


Axe throwing became a competitive sport in colonial times. The axe was an ever-present tool in people’s lives and the wielding of one was second nature to many people. When it came time for people in colonial times to relax and let loose, they often compared their axe throwing chops (pun intended) against one another, which eventually turned into a favourite spectator sport at town fairs. It must have been cathartic for people in colonial times to take one of the tools of their daily grind and turn it into a game. Imagine the pleasure of taking the tools of your trade and using them in a fun way? Kind of like throwing your keyboard out the window, but with more skill involved.

Well, something of the primal pleasure of throwing an axe is still present. Try it yourself and you’ll see. Even better bring your friends to an axe-throwing party at Batlgrounds.com. BATL offers the axe throwing experience in a unique urban setting and has seven locations in Toronto, Pickering, Kitchener, Ottawa, and Calgary. BATL hosts regular meetings of an axe-throwing league and they host private axe-throwing parties. Next time you want to schedule a team building exercise, celebrate a special occasion like a birthday or anniversary, or if you just want to try something different next time you’re getting together with friends, you won’t be disappointed with the axe throwing experience at BATL. In fact, we bet you’ll return many times to hone your axe throwing skills and meet fellow axe throwing enthusiasts.

There’s a reason we continue certain tasks and traditions that our ancestors practiced. Because they tap into our primal wants and needs and because certain things don’t need to be improved, they’re preserved and remembered for upcoming generations to practice. Axe throwing is one such pastime and you can experience it in an urban setting now, thanks to axe throwing parties and axe throwing leagues.