What is it about women's nipples that Instagram and Facebook doesn't like? Men's nipples on the other hand are totally fine. But whenever a picture of a woman baring her bosom to the world to see, the picture immediately gets deleted, banned, and reported. Artist Micol Hebron had a good idea. Why not use men's nipples to cover up instead?

He posted an image of a man's nipple and said this, " Here you go — you can use this to make any photo of a topless woman acceptable for the interwebs! Use this 'acceptable (male) nipple template', duplicate, resize and paste as needed, to cover the offending female nipples, with socially acceptable male nipples (like a digital pasty). You're welcome."


After a year later, Hebron's image and comments have been made into memes.

And women everywhere are using it to expose the unfair nudity policies on social media sites.

The irony is that both men and women's nipples look similar when zoomed in very closely.

So a nip is a nip, and it doesn't matter which gender it belongs to. Both deserve to be treated with respect.

Do you think people should have the right to bare their naked bodies on social media?

Is nipple censorship really necessary?

   Yes. It's less porny that way.
   No. Why should there be any censorship of any kind?