Some models can walk the runway, and model all day long, but this one former model can shoot a gun and fight terrorists. This is Tiger Sun. A former Canadian model who worked as a spotter for Kurdish troops by identifying targets for snipers to take out.


Even her name, Tiger Sun, sounds badass. From the Daily Mail:

The mother-of-one, who was born in Zambia, left Vancouver, Canada, for the battlefields of the Middle East after a Lebanese man she was in a relationship with left her for an arranged marriage.

She also saw an ISIS propaganda video featuring John McGuire, a white convert jihadist, from Ottawa, and it prompted her to go and fight.

On March 1 she left behind her grown up daughter from a previous relationship and flew to Iraq where she was smuggled through the country and into Syria.

With no real training other than how to fire a gun, she was thrust straight into battle.

She traded looking like this:


For the battlefield:


In just 3 months, she was thrown into the battlefield in the fight to gain control over Tal Abyad, a town used by ISIS to exploit illegal black market goods into Syria.


She may not have killed anyone just yet, but..

In battle Tiger fought with a woman who shot 28 jihadists dead – although she never killed anyone herself.

‘They were always just out of range,’ she said. ‘I brought my own pair of binoculars with me because they weren’t readily available, so I was doing a lot of the spotting, which led to kills.

‘I would go and look at the bodies afterwards, but it didn’t and still doesn’t bother me. I had lunch by a pile of brains once. It was no big deal.


‘However, I saw those who did kill someone go through a whole range of emotions, like elation, then guilt, and I realised if I did kill someone directly, I may obsess about it and ruin the rest of my life.’

While her tour has ended, this doesn't make any less badass.


She says this of ISIS:

… But she’s not scared of ISIS, whom she described as ‘a bunch of little men with crazy beards.’

‘All I saw were a bunch of social misfits pretending to be something bigger than they really were. They use fear tactics to scare people, but in reality they’re not that intimidating.’

What a woman.
