Everyone has that someone who looks just like them. But when they look almost like twins, it gets freaky! Amanda Fisher, is a 23-year-old, who noticed a picture of a girl on Instagram who looked just like her. It was as if she found her twin.


Friends began sending her photos of her doppelganger, and when she saw the picture, she couldn't believe the resemblance.


Almost identical. Check it out:



Fisher decided to speak to her doppelganger, and tried to reach out to her on Instagram.


No luck. So she decided to ask the Internet for help. She posted this pic of a side-by-side comparison on Imgur asking people to help track her twin down. She said:


friends found my twin, but I can't reach her!
They found her in Instagram but it doesn't seem like she uses it very much. I have a feeling she uses imgur judging by the pictures she has posted. I'm hoping she will see this so she can be just as weirded out as me! FP Edit: In response to all the messages, yes I will update everyone if I find her! Also, I'm cracking up because half of you say "Both of these pictures are you" and the other half says "You look nothing alike". Thanks for the updoots in hopes of finding her. I'm hoping she didn't cease to exist after I saw her. FP Edit #2: A lovely Imgurian knows her and sent me her FB page, waiting on a response...

Some accused of her photoshopping two pictures of herself, while others say they look nothing alike. And after a few days, she got a lead.


An Imgur user recognized the 22-year-old Meredith Pond.

Fisher reached out to her and they finally had a conversation.


Were they twins at birth? Apparently...no..


Is going on a quest to find and talk to your doppelganger a freaky thing to do?
