When you buy a house, you have plenty of ideas and plans for how you can make it into your home. You'll doubtless have ambitions for extending your kitchen and dining areas, for example. You might even want to landscape your gardens and make them look nicer.

Even your bedrooms will feature on your to-do list. But, what about your bathroom? It's one of the most-used parts of any house, yet they seem to end up low down on the priority list. Does your bathroom look like something from the 1970s - but not in a good way?


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If the answer is yes, or you just hate the look of your bathroom, you know it's time to do something about it. The only trouble is; how can you bring that room into the 21st century? Here are a few inspirational ideas to help you get started:

Less is more

Sometimes bathrooms look terrible because they have too many items in them! The previous owner of your house may have thought adding an array of storage cupboards was a good idea. But, if there's little room as a result, you need to remove the clutter.

The main things to keep in your bathroom are:

  • A mirror;
  • The toilet;
  • The bathtub and shower;
  • The sink; and
  • A heated towel rail.

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Everything else in your bathroom is an option. If you have a small bathroom, there's even more reason to make it go on a diet!

Install some new flooring

It's likely that your bathroom has some carpet or other flooring that isn't fit for purpose. As part of your bathroom remodeling project, you should rip out the old flooring!

I recommend getting proper tiles installed on the ground rather than vinyl or floorboards. That way, it's easier to clean up any water on the ground. And there's less of a chance of water seeping through and affecting the ceiling below.

Let there be light

Do you have an archaic strip light on the ceiling of your bathroom? Now is your opportunity to get rid of it! Instead, I recommend fitting some recessed downlights into the ceiling.

You need to make sure they have suitable fire protection. After all; the last thing you want to do is set your attic on fire! Halogen downlights are commonplace these days, but you can also get LED ones instead. Although they are more expensive, they last longer and offer better lighting.

Want to get rid of your heated towel rail?

It's common to find a radiator in a bathroom. They are useful for hanging and drying your towels after you've had your bath or shower. But, what if space is at a premium in your bathroom?

You could always get rid of it and fit hooks to the back of your bathroom door instead. To solve the heating problem, consider fitting underfloor heating.

Warm tiles are brilliant to walk on in a cold winter's morning. As you know, heat rises so your bathroom will feel toasty!

I hope these ideas have been of use to you. Thanks for checking them out!