No one likes to screw up, but sometimes, you make mistakes. You just hope that they aren't the biggest mistakes of your life. Here are some of the 15 biggest bad mistakes some people have ever made in their lives. Check it out below:

1. Yahoo had the chance to buy Google in the early days of the Internet for $1 million. Too bad, because now it's worth $400 billion.


2. Will Smith turned down The Matrix because he believed Wild Wild West would be a bigger hit.


3. A baker forgot to shut his oven and destroyed half a city. A pie in the oven was the cause of the Great Fire of London in 1666. Over 13,000 houses were destroyed.


4. Mao Zedon ordered a mass killing of birds in 1958, believing that sparrows would eat all the crops and cause famine. They actually ate a large number of insects, and with them gone, the insects destroyed all the crops leading to the greatest mass starvation in history.


5. Blockbuster didn't waive a late for an angry customer, even after attempts of plea. That angry customer went on to start Netflix.


6. Ronald Wayne sold his stake in Apple Inc for $800. If he didn't, his stake would be worth $35 billion today.


7. A grad student killed the world's oldest tree. He cut it down after which he realized it was likely the oldest living thing on the earth.


8. Air Canada almost crashed a plane because of the metric system. Their Boeing 767 had to glide to a safe landing when it ran out of fuel because someone didn't convert gallons to liters.


9. An emergency flare started a forest fire, which was shot by a lost hunter. It became the largest fire in California history.


10. Londoners started killing cats because they thought it carried the plague. Once the cat population started to fall, it got worse, because there were no cats to kill the real plague carriers - the rats.


11. John Fogerty sold the rights to every Creedence Clearwater Revival song for a song. Bad move.


12. Franz Ferdinand's driver took a wrong turn and ended up on a side street, where the man who had just tried and failed to assassinate Ferdinand happened to be. He took his second chance and killed Ferdinand and his wife. It led to the first World War.


13. Seattle Seahawks made the worst Super Bowl play ever. They were behind 4 points, and left with a few seconds in the game. If they had run the ball, they might have scored. But instead, they passed. And they lost.


14. Decca Records didn't sign The Beatles before their major breakout. Whoops.


15. Blockbuster passed on acquiring Netflix but didn't. Then Netflix took them down.
