Erectile dysfunction is real and many men, have to deal with some form of ED at least some point of their lives. It doesn't even just affect men over 40. But to get to the root of the problem, you'll need to know a couple of things that can actually mess with your boner.

1. It could be psychological

Your big head, could be getting in the way of your smaller head. It can be caused from anxiety, stress, pressure, or uncertainty. All these things can interfere with your erection.


2. You could be drinking too much

They call this the "whiskey dick." It happens. Alcohol is a depressant and has a tendency to screw around with your erection.


3. You could be sleepy or stressed

If you're not getting enough sleep, or are feeling particularly stressed, your testosterone levels may sufer. One of the main indicators of this is the loss of morning erections.


4. You might not be as turned on as you think

The problem may just be that you're not really interested to get down. No DTF-feeling. Or you could be feeling uncomfortable. Or you might need some kind of other stimulus to get in the mood.


5. There's not enough speed, or force, thanks to masturbation

Men tend to grip too much when they masturbate, and that's not really the kind of thing that happens in real life penetration. Don't want this to happen? Use your non-dominant hand when you spank the monkey.


6. Your testosterone levels could be low because...

You could be overweight, stressed, or you could have a chronic health condition. You can get a blood test to check your hormone levels and if so, you can get testosterone prescribed for you to fix that.

7. It could be other health issues

It's not just psychological problems. It could be issues like diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or even cardiovascular issues.
