No matter what the day may bring you, it’s always important that you put your health front and center. Sometimes issues can be severe enough that warrant a trip to the doctor. Other times, though, we ignore certain symptoms, including fatigue and nausea, and assume it will go away on its own.

Sometimes fatigue and nausea are simply a result of not enough sleep or eating some food that didn’t sit right with your stomach. While this can be likely, it doesn’t meant that’s always the cause. There are plenty of reasons you could be experiencing nausea or fatigue-like symptoms, and the following are a few of those reasons that may be cause for concern.


One of the two most common early symptoms of being pregnant is experiencing fatigue and nausea. Your body is going through some rapid changes, and it’s taking a major toll on your body. You will usually experience a lack of energy no matter how much sleep you get in the night. You may also experience “morning sickness” at any time of day and for no apparent reason. If there is a chance you may be pregnant, either take a pregnancy test or consult with your doctor.


Feeling anxious is something that you may recognize immediately, or it may be an underlying issue you have yet to deal with. Some people experience panic attacks due to anxiety. Most people think that panic attacks occur only when someone lashes out due to stress, but this is untrue. Some panic attacks can come in the form of uncontrollable sweating, nausea, appetite loss, or even fatigue. If you are feeling anxious, you can try to alleviate your stressors on your own. The Institute for Vibrant Living has some suggestions for natural remedies to alleviate common occurrences. If you believe your anxiety may be more severe, you should consult with your doctor as soon as possible.


Having the flu is never a fun experience, and while you try to do everything you can to keep yourself from getting the flu, there’s a good possibility you’ll catch it every now and then. The flu comes in many forms, and most of these forms have two common symptoms: fatigue and nausea. If you are suffering from these symptoms, but you also are experiencing the chills, fever, and aches and pains, visit your doctor as soon as possible.


Dealing with PMS is something no woman enjoys, but it’s a part of life. Every woman experiences different symptoms with their period. Nausea and fatigue are two of the most common symptoms of PMS, along with bloating, cramping, and inconsistent emotions. If you know that your symptoms are just PMS, you can try some over-the-counter medication, or you can try to calm yourself by relaxing and getting plenty of rest.


Concussions are not something to take lightly. Many people think that a concussion only occurs when your head has been truly traumatized, but this isn’t always true. Sure a harder hit to the head is more likely to cause a concussion, but even a small bump can have a negative impact on your health. The first common symptom of a concussion is being tired. If you were recently hit in the head and feel extremely tired, you need to get to the hospital immediately for professional observation and treatment.

Food Poisoning

Nobody enjoys that queasy feeling they get after eating food, but if you experience nausea or diarrhea, there’s a good chance it could be the result of something you ate. Sometimes food doesn’t sit right with your stomach due to the way it was prepared or a possible contamination. If you believe you have food poisoning, the best thing you can do is try to stay hydrated and contact your doctor.
Although symptoms like nausea and fatigue are common for a variety of different issues and illnesses, it’s extremely important that you don’t ignore them. To be safe, it’s always a good idea to contact your doctor for a checkup to determine the exact cause of your symptoms.