This is why keeping your money with you isn't exactly a good idea. An interesting factoid into Pablo Escobar's business revealed that he would lose an estimated $2.1 billion dollars IN CASH a year thanks to rats and mold. Too bad he can't keep all of that in a bank.


The stat comes from a book written by his brother Robert who was an accountant for the cartel. 

“Pablo was earning so much that each year we would write off 10% of the money because the rats would eat it in storage or it would be damaged by water or lost,” Escobar wrote.

That would be about $2.1 billion dollars, given how much money he was reportedly making.

Escobar simply had more money than he knew to do with, and therefore haphazardly losing money to rodents and mold wasn’t an issue.


According to Escobar, the cartel spent an estimated $2,500 a month on rubber bands needed to hold stacks of bills together.

But that was fine because he had so much money he had no idea what to do with it. Losing that amount wasn't an issue.
