Adequate sleep is essential for optimal functioning of both mind and body. During sleep, your body conducts key processes including cell repair and removal of toxins accumulated throughout the day. Today's fast-paced lifestyle, however, leaves little room for some shuteye. Here are 5 reasons that could be keeping you from getting enough quality sleep.

The Things You Get Up To Before Going To Bed

It's common for people, especially teenagers and young adults, to reach for their smartphone when they're preparing for bedtime. This results in hours of browsing through funny videos and friend's pictures. Before you know it, it's already 02:00 AM and you've lost precious hours of sleep. Others routinely drink coffee or eat chocolate before going to bed. These activities are actually counterproductive to a good night's sleep and should be avoided.

What To Do About It:If you plan on eating any sweets, do so in the early evening. This gives your body enough time to process its effects. Your smartphone should be placed from across the room or at least on your bedside table drawer to avoid the temptation of using it. Put the phone in silent mode and only have sound alerts for emergency calls.


Your Mattress & Pillows Are Too Old

How do you identify a worn-out mattress or pillow? Signs indicating the need for replacement include fabric stains that don't wash off, loose mattress springs that poke your back, and odors that keep you awake at night.

What To Do About It:Buy a new mattress that offers good support and comfort. You want the mattress to keep you in good alignment so you don't wake up with back aches and stiff necks. Pick just the right sized pillow so you can comfortably move around the bed.


Your Bedroom is Not a Good Place To Sleep

This could be due to the excessive light passing through your windows or perhaps the noise pollution coming from your neighbor's dogs.

What To Do About It:Try to readjust your bedroom setup. Position your bed where it doesn't get overwhelmed by sunlight and where noise is less heard from. You can also install blinds or curtains to limit light or soundproof your walls to block outside noise.

You Let Your Pet In Your Bedroom

If you wake up to the smell of your dog's breath or your cat's purrs, it may be time to retrain how your pets behave inside the house.

What To Do About It:Establish ground rules regarding when your pet/s can enter your room. Lock the room and any installed pet doors if need be.


Your Partner Snores

This can be a sensitive issue for partners hence most people disregard the need for change. However, serious cases of snoring can greatly affect sleep quality.

What To Do About It:Instead of asking your partner to stop, which he/she will likely be unable to do so due to snoring being an involuntary condition, help them overcome it by accompanying them to a physician who can recommend procedures or medical devices.