Get off on the right track every week with a positive attitude! To do that, let's start the rest of the week on a positive note. Here's checking out some positive sounding facts that you might not have known.

1. Dogs and humans have been friends for more than 27,000 years.


2. Scientists found those who experience a feeling of awe often, such as being touched by the beauty of nature or art, have a reduction in immune system chemicals called “pro inflammatory cytokines.” Large amounts of these chemicals mean poor health.


3. Studies show that listening to music you really like makes you more generous, altruistic and understanding.


4. Babies are more likely to create memories when they interact with a happy-sounding or happy-looking person.


5. Having sex in the morning releases feel-good chemicals oxytocin, which makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long.


6. A new study suggests that customer-service workers who fake a smile throughout the day develop a worse mood and withdraw from their duties.


7. Research from University of Bristol show that people who exercise on workdays are more productive, happier and less stressed than on non-gym days.


8. A study showed that wearing perfume/cologne will increase your social interaction and help you get good vibes even if you’re not around people you like.


9. Dolphins are able to remember their friends, even years after not seeing them.


10. Flipping through old personal photos can boost your mood more than eating a chunk of chocolate or drinking a glass of wine.


11. Cows have best friends and they usually spend most of their time together.


12. Professor Ian McDonald from England’s University of Nottingham discovered people who drink hot cocoa and eat chocolate get a boost in blood flow to ‘key areas’ of the brain for 2-3 hours.


13. The voice of Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, Jim Cummings, calls children’s hospitals in his spare time to cheer up sick children.


14. Being in love improves your overall health. Love releases Oxytocin which is responsible for regulating blood pressure, body temperature, and even relief from pain.
