Jamie McGloin decided to post an 8-mile inspired troll onto the Facebook page of a supermarket - Australian supermarket Woolworths. It was admittedly top class funny. A troll worth the like. Except, he probably didn't expect to get trolled back.

Here's his post:

It reads:

Dear Woolworths,

Yesterday I was searching for food to make mums spaghetti. I was nervous, my knees were weak, my palms were sweaty and to top it off, I had a vomit on my sweater already.

To be honest, I was ready to drop bombs, but I kept on spaghetti what I wrote down. I feel I had one shot, one opportunity and I let it slip. I could have seized everything and I left with nothing but a brown onion and tomato paste. I lost myself in the spaghetti because I had spaghetti on my spaghetti already. Snap back to spaghetti. Oh there’s goes more spaghetti!!

So today I went back to purchase some spaghetti, instead of finding spaghetti in the packet, I found this.

It was spaghetti!!!! What should I do with it? Should I return the spaghetti?

Love Jamie xox

Then, Woolworths decided they'd reply him:


They even...dropped the mic.



Here's their official response:

Thanks for the LOLs. We out! #MumsSpaghetti

Posted by Woolworths on Tuesday, September 29, 2015