Can you make a living just by looking like a celebrity? A dead one for that matter? This one 55-year-old woman is a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe, and she's making quite a ton of money too from it. Over $4 million that is. Check it out:

The DailyMail reports:

For a while in the late ’80s and early ’90s, Susan retired her act – but couldn’t avoid the call of being a celebrity lookalike forever. She revisited impersonating Marilyn for the 1991 TV movie Marilyn in Me.
From there, she went on to play Marilyn several more times on film, most notably in the cult classic Pulp Fiction with John Travolta.’


‘Every time he saw me, he’d make comments about how similar I looked to Marilyn,’ she said.
She appeared on TV shows, as well, including Growing Pains, Quantum Leap, The Defenders, and Cybill.
She also booked ads and commercials, doing spots for Chanel No. 5, McDonald’s, Popeye’s, Amstel Beer, Acura, and Visa.

In November 2008, she posed as Marilyn – complete with white dress, perfectly-coiffed blonde hair, and pouty red lips – on the cover of GQ with Jimmy Kimmel.


‘It was surreal to see myself on the cover of a magazine that is on all the newsstands,’ she wrote on Facebook.
‘I was also offered a chance to model nude for Playboy while impersonating Marilyn, but I turned it down, as I felt it was disrespectful to her memory,’ she added’

Being a dead-ringer for the actress has come with difficulties, too. Susan said that some past boyfriends have only dated her because of the resemblance, while others hated that she was stopped everywhere she went.


Luckily, she eventually met Andy DiMino, 63, who is an impersonator himself. He plays Dean Martin, and the couple have now been together for 12 years.

‘It’s easier being in a relationship with someone in the performing industry because they get how unpredictable it is,’ she said.

What do you think? Resemble her much?
