Lionel Messi might be a God on the field when it comes to soccer, but it looks like he might not be so good at getting past the authorities. He's currently in a tougher battle against the Spanish courts for tax fraud.


Per Yahoo Sports:

Argentina and Barcelona star Lionel Messi and his father Jorge are to stand trial on three counts of tax fraud that could carry prison sentences, a Spanish court confirmed on Thursday.

The pair were accused in 2013 of defrauding the taxman out of 4.16 million euros ($4.69 million) in taxes related to Messi’s image rights between 2007 and 2009 through the creation of fake companies in Belize and Uruguay.

Prosecutors had asked for the case against the four-time World Player of the Year to be dropped as the alleged fraud was in their estimation carried out by his father, who has managed his son’s affairs since he was a child.

They asked for Jorge Messi to be handed an 18-month prison sentence and a fine of half the defrauded amount.

However, lawyers acting on behalf of the tax authorities pleaded for the player to also be tried and for both defendants to face a 22-month prison sentence.

“There are rational signs that the criminality was committed by both accused parties,” said the judge.

Looks like he couldn't navigate his way out of this pickle.


What's going to happen to Messi, we wonder..