A piece of fake news was floating around yesterday saying that Yelp was planning on suing South Park to the tune of $10 million. The fake news story came from 'NBC News.' The issue: South Park's hilarious takedown mocking Yelp restaurant reviewers.


Except, you've got to pay attention to the source of the news. Check it:


Here's a statement from Fake-Yelp:

“Our company, along with its millions of users, take Yelp very seriously. The South Park episode was in extremely bad taste and not funny whatsoever. To say our critics are out there trying to get free food and using racist slurs on little Mexican children is beyond ridiculous. To compare the users of Yelp to terrorists is not only cruel, but the definition of libel and slander. I believe any reasonable court in America will agree with the lawsuit and rule in our favor.”


Then there was a "statement" from Fake-South Park creators:


It all looked real, until it arrived at the part for "Fappy the Anti-Masturbation Dolphin."

Fappy The Anti-Masturbation Dolphin, a mascot for a Christian anti-masturbation organization, says the company is losing business because of Yelp reviewers.

“Before being listed on Yelp we had no problem going around the country speaking to elementary school children about the dangers and consequences of masturbation. Now, with our poor reviews on Yelp, people are beginning to question our morals and ethics, like that is so important. Just because I have been arrested three times for public masturbation and each case was pardoned by the Governor, doesn’t mean our federal funding and government support had anything to do with it. With the assumptions made by Yelp reviewers, they are causing deadly self-rape addictions in this country to continue and in the end it is Big Masturbation that wins. Such a shame.”

See how easy it was to game the news?
