Got the case of crushing happening to you? It can happen at any age! And do you notice how you change as a person when you're in that mode? Are you, you anymore? Here are all the things you might actually do when you have a crush on someone.

1. You lie to everyone that you don't have a crush. Of course!


2. You jump at any opportunity to "help". You're that kinda person! 


At any cost!

3. You stare at your crush, sometimes in a creepy manner. But hope they don't catch you doing it.


4. You keep checking your phone to see if your crush has texted to you. Every 5 seconds.


Even when she hasn't.

5. You proof-read your text to your crush 251 times.


Punctuation, check. Grammar, check.

6. You stalk them on social media, because it is less creepy than real-life stalking. And you probably won't get caught..

crush6.gif'll need a smartphone to do that.

7. You pretend you don't know anything they "like" because you haven't "stalked" them on social media when you talk on the phone.


8.  You consider attending events your crush will go to just to "bump" into them.


9. You freak out at the most minimal physical contact you had.

We're going to be together!

10. You try to give your crush "the look" and then pretend like it's nothing when they catch you looking.


11. You try to be cool around your crush, even though in reality you are kinda dorky.


Gots to be cool!!!

12. You and your crush have had imaginary conversations and dates.


It is amazing!

13. You hold in your fart when you are around your crush. It does not come out.


Nope, not me.

14. You over-analyze all the things your crush say to you.


What did he mean by that??

15. You don't act like you at all.

You are a weirdo around your crush.