Every girl loves getting treated to a gift, and your girlfriend will be no exception. There’s nothing like the excitement of unwrapping a special birthday, Christmas or anniversary present, or better yet, a surprise gift ‘just because’.


Everyone wants to know what the secret to giving the perfect gift is, something new, original and unique that let’s that special someone know how important they are. Coming up with interesting gift ideas can be really difficult at times. On the other hand, and more importantly, everyone wants to avoid giving a gift that will be discarded, disliked, or worse yet, offensive! Check these 3 tips on gifts you should avoid buying for your girlfriend.

A household gadget

While it might seem like a useful and functional offering, a gift of a household gadget such as a vacuum cleaner or kitchen utensils for your girlfriend might really give the wrong idea. Unless she really loves to cook or bake, household gadgets and utensils might be less than exciting for your girlfriend to receive as gifts, especially if she favours other particular gifts that she might see as more refined and interesting, such as a nice dinner, a quality book or a beautiful piece of jewellery. It all depends on your ability to gauge her interests, but if in doubt, it’s best to avoid something for around the house.

Secondly you may be giving her the idea that you expect her to clean, and that might not go down well! Giving a gift is about offering something special and unique that the receiver will love, and a household gadget can be a strange gift in this light, especially if you don’t live together or haven’t known each other long. If you really know your girlfriend well, and you know that what she would love is a set of special cupcake moulds or decorative potholders, then that’s fine. But until you really understand what she would like or what she really needs, it’s best to stick with safer gift options that you know she will love.

A present that's really for you

While every woman is different and will have unique interests and likes, if your girlfriend is not interesting in sports and you buy her a subscription for season tickets for two for your favourite sport, she might not be so impressed. It’s important to keep in mind that giving a gift means treating your special someone to something she will love, not finding an excuse to buy something that you really want. Not only does this mean she gets a gift she doesn’t really like or want, but it also reflects badly on your willingness to give selflessly.

Choose a gift that shows how well you can give generously and thoughtfully. Put some effort into thinking about what she might really like. If you’re unsure of ideas, perhaps you could ask some of her friends or family what they think she might really like. Or if it’s far enough in advance of when you plan to give the gift, you could even gently probe her with some questions to get an idea of what she wants. Be very careful if you want it to be a surprise though, you don’t want her to suspect too much!

A joke present that could be taken as insulting

Nothing ruins a special moment like a poorly timed joke. Even if she’s the joking type and you think she might like it, make double and triple sure it’s the right time and place to pull a prank. If it’s a special occasion like a birthday, anniversary, or even an engagement or wedding, it’s best to avoid joke presents because they can be seen as insulting and insensitive at times that are normally considered quite special and intimate for a couple. If you really think it is funny, and you really think she would enjoy it, then save it for a lower pressure time, like a random surprise, and double check with her friends to see if she really will enjoy it first.

If it’s still a new relationship it’s a good idea to avoid such presents, until you get to know each other better and what her sense of humour is like. Until that happens, if you love jokes and playing pranks, why not get your girlfriend involved in the fun! That way she won’t feel like the brunt of the joke and you can bond together over fun experiences.