Going to the movies soon? How about a radical idea? This idea: go watch it alone. That's right. No friends. No companions. Just you and a ton of people you don't know. Like traveling alone, this idea isn't new, and it's one of the most liberating one. Here's why:

1. People are the worst.

They literally are. They ruin everything.


2. They eat.

Non-stop too. So much chewing!


3. And ask questions all the time.

It's like you're the director.


4. Sitting next to someone you know might be weird if they suddenly turn to see you react to a scene.

What if they see your weird funny face? Will they judge you?


5. You don't have to argue about what to watch if you're going alone.

You can watch any thing you damn well please.


6. You don't even have to get dressed.

It's a date with yourself. You impress you already.


7. These people are your real friends:

Yes, they totally understand you.


8. No one asking you what's going on.

Just silence from your non-friends.


9. Or if you could hold their popcorn for them.

No favors for anyone. That's the best.


10. You get both armrests.

That's you getting your money's worth.


11. If the movie totally blows, you can walk out on it.

You don't have to deal with bad films. There's more to life.


12. No one's judging your weird reactions.

Thank goodness.


13. You don't need to explain a scene to someone returning from the bathroom.

This is heaven sounding already.


14. You don't even have to pay for two tickets.

Just one. Or if you know how, you don't even have to pay.


15. It's two hours of uninterrupted "me-time."

Enjoy it. You'll love it.
