Some years it’s easier than others to think of a great gift for your other half. If you feel like you’ve used up all your good ideas, have a look at this list for some new ones.


A Magazine Subscription

The beauty of this idea is how personal it can be. There are magazines for just about every personality and interest nowadays. You can spend some time in your local book store or library to find out what sorts of topics there are or, of course, there’s the internet. You could also be a little sneaky and ask friends if they’ve noticed what kind of magazines your other half might like. Or, just go digging around in the living room and you are bound to find a stack if they are a regular reader. Men, however, are less likely to have bought magazines in the past and so that will be more of a mission. Think about what his interests are and start from there.

For men

There are some great men’s health magazines these days but also think about what he likes to do at the weekend. There are magazines for sports, fishing, camping, hiking, cars, photography, art, male grooming, and probably even camel polo. Whatever his interests, find a subject specific blog or website and see if there are any relevant magazines being mentioned.

For women

Try to think beyond the usual gossip mags and glossy fashion titles, unless those are of particular interest to her, because she is likely to come across those anyway when waiting in doctor’s offices or for other appointments. Think a bit more laterally. What is she really into? What kind of shows does she watch on TV? What subject lights her up when she is in conversation? Finding the right magazine will show that you really know her and care about her interests.

A Treadmill

A treadmill is a gift nobody will be expecting, so that is extra points right there. Imagine Christmas morning when your other half is wondering what the heck that giant thing is all wrapped up with a bow. Since it is something a lot of people want but deliberate over for quite a while before purchasing, it is sure to please. It’s the kind of gift that says you care about his or her health and you want that person to be able to go for a walk or run whenever they feel like it, not have to wait for the sunny days of summer.

When shopping for a treadmill, consider how much room there is in the house and what room the equipment will be sitting in. Does it need to be folded up in the daytime, or rolled aside? Or can it sit out all the time? Also consider what features you might want such as types of stats it records and what other programming it does. And lastly, are you going to need to book a friend to help you sneak it in on the night of the 24th?

A Pet

Have you seen those videos of people opening up a box to find a new pet on Christmas day? Awwww. You know you’re going to need to have the camera ready if you decide to get your other half a pet even if you don’t have plans to put it on the internet for all to see. Assuming you’ve already considered the major commitment that a pet is, it’s time to start thinking about what kind of pet that will be. Think about your partner’s lifestyle. Is he or she often away, perhaps travelling on business, or can they be at home for walk times 2-3 times per day? Would they be looking for a fuzzy little bundle to cuddle while watching TV, or would they want a pet that could accompany them on a run? How big is their home or apartment? Here are a few pet suggestions based on lifestyle and personality type.

For the stressed out person

Lots of pets work for this person but three stand out amongst the rest. Fish are calming to watch. Cats are nice to pet and do that relaxing motor purring thing. And dogs, the calmer ones, will sit with you and be your loyal friend.

For the busy person

People who don’t have a lot of time to exercise a dog or groom a horse would do well with fish, a hamster or guinea pig, or even some types of bird. These can all be left for the day without too much risk.

For the runner or hobby cyclist

Dogs, dogs, dogs! But be sure you get one that has a good temperament and can be trained to run alongside the owner.

Hopefully you are really thinking now and getting excited about shopping for your other half. With a personal gift that suits someone’s interests or needs you really can’t go wrong.