While most of us might not be too keen on trying extreme sports, they’re definitely exciting to watch. Extreme sports are those that put the person performing them at serious risk; they’re usually exciting and nontraditional, involving lots of tricks, flare, and daredevilry. Extreme sports are one of the few categories where the non-accident videos are just as terrifying as the accident ones. Here are the top extreme sports videos on YouTube—but beware, there are some serious nail-biters!

Red Bull X-Fighters Madrid 2014

This bike flip took place in a Madrid FMX (Freestyle Motocross) competition sponsored, fittingly, by Red Bull. This video has over three million views on YouTube and, when you watch it, it’s easy to see why. The motocross rider, Thomas Pages, had a winning run when he flipped his bike vertically, managing to hop back on it before he landed. This feat left peoples’ jaws on the floor in the arena and the aftermath of the flip showed people screaming and cheering as they watched Pages nail such a dangerous, mind-boggling trick.

Top 10 Snowboarding Tricks

In this video compilation, snowboarders are shown performing crazy tricks that leave you both awestruck and confused at how someone manages to do that without falling flat on their faces. These tricks are heart-pounding and it’s amazing that they’re able to execute them with what looks like no effort at all. Best moment: the inverted 360 that takes place eleven seconds in.

People Are Amazing 2015 (Extreme Sport Edition)

In this SmashTV compilation, there are clips of different extreme sport moments and tricks. The video is aptly labeled “People are Amazing,” as you see people in the video jumping, flying, skiing, you name it. The way these gifted people are able to perform daredevil tricks without skipping a beat makes this compilation one that you can put on repeat.

10 Incredible BASE jump Exits

In this YouTube video, ten of the world’s top BASE jumpers show off their skills. The vid is compiled of ten different jumps, each performed throughout the world. BASE jumping is where you jump (duh) off of a fixed structure while wearing a winged suit or a parachute. Many of the jumps in this video are taken through a camera attached to the jumper, so you essentially get a bird’s eye view of what it’s like to throw yourself off of something really high without actually having to do the jump, of course.  

Nuclear Tower and USA BASE Jumps

Part of the BASE Dreams series (episode two), this BASE jumping video has an extra dangerous element to it, as the jumpers are throwing themselves off of nuclear towers and cliffs. It almost looks as though they’re jumping into nuclear radiation, as one commenter noted, because of the way the green pool beneath the tower looks. The video is spooky and crazy—like basically extreme sports video on YouTube.  


Parkour is where athletes attempt to get from one point to another as creatively as possible, usually be employing insane, death-defying gymnastic or acrobatic skills. Highly dangerous, this sport is attractive to thrill junkies who are looking for a good way to get some exercise. In this video compilation, you’ll get to see some of the craziest parkour stunts on the web. The video currently has 1.5 million views on YouTube because of how unbelievable the stunts are. You have to watch it twice to believe it.

In these top extreme sports videos, we get to see the amazing talent of some of the world’s most daredevil athletes and adrenaline junkies. It goes to show that by having a camera, such as the Polaroid Cube,  at the right time in the right place, you can catch some extraordinary things.


Lautaro Martinez, a freelance writer and traveler, is always looking for a new adventure to capture. If you would like to learn more about Lautaro, you can check out his google+ profile.