
22-year-old Marwa Balkar is a college student from Corona, California. She made headlines last month on Facebook after she responded to Donald Trump's call for Muslims to carry special IDs. Her post went viral and has been shared over 170,000 times on Facebook.

Dear @realdonaldtrump, My name is Marwa, and I am a Muslim. I heard you wanted us to start wearing ID badges, so I...

Posted by Marwa Balkar on Friday, November 20, 2015

“When I initially heard of Trump’s comments on mosques, my first instinct was to protect my religion,” Balkar wrote in a post on ATTN. “I wrote a Facebook post simply telling my story. I am your average American girl. My religious beliefs do not make me any better than you, nor do they lessen who I am. I wore a peace sign on my shirt because that’s what my true religion represents. Choosing the peace sign was an easy choice because it’s universal and already defined.”

There has been no short of Islamophobia these days, and that's something Balkar is no stranger to.


It's pretty clear for those who don't get it. Islam = peace. ISIS = confused, extreme, and uneducated body of people. Get it right!
