Kids. If you're thinking of getting some ink on you, that's fine. But think hard. Or wait. Wait until you're old enough to know there are certain designs you might not like as you get older. Don't live in the moment when it comes to ink. Because that stuff is permanent! This one guy is living with regret because of it.

We're not talking typo sort of tattoos here. We're talking vacuum cleaner on his dong kind. This is Lewis Flint.


Speaking on Channel 4’s Bodyshockers, he says he got it when he was 16. But it all went bad when he was with a girl recently, and things were going well until they got naked.


“When she saw it she said ‘What’s that? I am off!’ I was gutted. I never thought I would regret my tattoo when I got it done.”


Funny thing about regret doesn't arrive at your door immediately.