No one would have thought of mixing pole dancing and breastfeeding together but Ashley Wright, has been pole dancing for eight years already and she's gotten quite good at it. She's also a mother now, and isn't going to let having a baby get in the way of doing that.

Also, she doesn't want to let pole dancing get in the way of being a mother too. Her solution: do both at the same time.


Wright started doing a few moves on the stripper pole with her daughter Shannon when she was only 1-year-old. “I didn’t start climbing up the pole with her (in a carrier), until she was one or a little closer to two years of age,”

Check it out:


Taking control of the elements... Ascending above it all like... #ifbuddhawasapoledacingbabywearingbreastfeedinggoddess #mswrightsway #goddess #poledancingmom #normalizebreastfeeding #breastfeedingtoddler #attachmentparenting #idothis #keepspace #naturalparenting #babywearing #blackgirlmajic

Posted by Ms. Wrights Way on Sunday, January 10, 2016