Even celebrities have hearts too, and here are some of the lesser known stuff they've done to give back to the community or to do good and pay it forward. You can contribute too if you want, and you don't even need to do it in such a big way. It's the thought that counts.

CNN host Anderson Cooper donated the money needed to outfit a K-9 unit at a Virginia police department with bulletproof vest. He did so after learning that one of their police dogs was killed.


Cher has donated over 180,000 bottles of water to the residents of Flint Michigan. Flint hasn't had access to clean water for more than a year.


Jamie Foxx rescued a man from a burning vehicle after it crashed right outside his house.


Singer Ed Sheeran used some of his money to pay off a close friend's mortgage.


Kim Kardashion unexpectedly flew some of her fans in for a birthday brunch.


Steven Tyler recently launched Janie's Fund, a charity that will help abused and neglected young girls.


Rapper 2Chainz is particularly charitable: He's done things like buying a family a minivan so they can get their brain damaged son to the hospital, paid for a disabled veteran's rent, and bought a house for a family of 11 in his hometown.


After one cancer patient used social media to discuss her love for Taylor Swift, the pop star visited the girl over Christmas.


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West recently donated 1,000 pairs of shoes to charity.


NBA MVP Stephen Curry and his family organized efforts to provide meals for 400 families in need.


Sacha Baron Cohen and wife Isla Fisher have donated over a million dollars to help the Syrian refugee effort.


Ed Norton took it upon himself to raise money for Syrian scientist who lost seven family members to the war.


Tim Tebow organized prom nights for over 200 students with special needs.


Justin Bieber and his team have made over 250 Make-A-Wish dreams come true.


When Tom Hanks' found this Fordham University student's ID, he took to social media to make sure the student got it back.


Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson donated the $1,500 needed to save the life of a puppy named Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.
