
Sharing plans, when not done right, could end up costing more than owning an individual line. U Mobile’s latest postpaid share plan, Hero Plus, introduces the new Share 50 that adds up to three member lines to the Hero P70 postpaid plan, the one with 7GB data and unlimited calls to all networks. Not only the member line gets to share the principal line’s benefits, it even brings in an additional 3GB of data to the existing pool for sharing at RM50.


Sounds really promising! But how does the plan compare with its competitors?

Looking at the available options offered by other telcos, MaxisONE Share bears the most resemblance with Hero Plus. It also adds supplementary lines to the MaxisONE postpaid plans – options from RM128*, RM158, and RM188 – and all lines get to enjoy unlimited calls to all networks, unlimited SMS and sharing data.
(*Only available if you sign up before 31 January 2016)

On the surface, it may seem like Maxis has a better deal than U Mobile with the lower member line commitment of RM48 and the free 1 month bill upon port in. But just hold on for a second. Remember that you are committing to their ONE plans, and it is their premium postpaid plans we are talking about so keep in mind that things don’t just stop at RM48.

On the other side, there are few postpaid plans, if not none, that could beat the value of U Mobile’s Hero P70 postpaid. Just as if 7GB of data and unlimited calls to all networks are not enough, you get an extra 3GB from each member line once they are in for Hero Plus. Generous telco is generous.

What about the features? Data? Calls? Discounts? Free phone case?

In U Mobile’s case, things are simpler to grasp. The member line gets the unlimited calls to all networks the principal line gets. In terms of data, just add 3GB/member line to the original 7GB from the principal line and that’s the total amount all lines can share. For example, if you and your significant other sign up for Hero Plus, both of you get the unlimited calls and 10GB to share amongst yourselves. There’s no unlimited SMS from the plan, but let’s be real and just think of the last time you texted an actual human being. With Whatsapp, Wechat, Line and so many other instant messaging networks, it is easy to forgo the missing unlimited SMS feature.

Moving back to Maxis, there are quite a number of free stuff you can get from the ONE plans. All new subscribers get an extra 1GB free of internet; the RM188 plan with 7GB gets an additional 1GB for the first 6 months; the first month’s bill is also waived for port in customers. Bear in mind that these are only temporary offerings and the member lines don’t add value to the plan like Hero Plus. Eventually when the free stuff go away, you’ll most likely end up losing out what you thought you’re entitled for paying a hefty premium price.

But how much do you pay - like, actually?


Benefits are not the only thing you share under MaxisONE Share. Not long ago when Maxis shouted out about their RM48 supplementary line, they forgot to remind you that you have to take into consideration the cost of the primary lines, which are typically their high-end postpaid plans starting from RM128 and above. You also don’t get as much data as from U Mobile, which also offers the same propositions as ONE Share except the unlimited SMS.
Unless, as the primary line, you are willing to first fork out a hefty price for a plan to then share your already limited data quota with your supplementary line, it would be wiser to consider other cheaper options available in the market.

*cough* SHARED 5GB *cough*

On the other hand, albeit offering the member line at a slightly higher price of RM50, U Mobile still has the better value and affordability when you look at the plan in totality. The total of RM120 for 1 principal line + 1 member line with Hero Plus is still the cheapest no matter which ONE Share option you compare with, yet the total amount of data you get is also more than what any ONE Share plans could offerumob4.JPG

The Final Call

Ultimately, we share things with people in hope for the better good, and U Mobile Hero Plus’ offerings seem to fulfil this underlying criteria better than MaxisONE Share. With good value, good price points, and good rep, it seems obvious the winning share plan award goes to… 