No matter how you try to spin it, money does matter when it comes to a relationship. The lack of understanding of it between couples may very well be the reason why people split up. This one woman in China is gaining some attention after she broke up with her boyfriend because his parents served her a meal that was 'poor.'

She wasn't satisfied with the food at her boyfriend's parents house in a rural village in southeast China's Jiangxi province over Chinese New Year.


So she decided to share her story.

“When I saw their food, I wanted to throw up. It was 100 times worse than what I had imagined. I can’t accept it. I can’t leave now, there is no transport. I will share a room with his sister tonight and leave the next morning,” the woman wrote.


She shared her story, posted under the name “Xiang shuo you shuo bu chu koi” on a Chinese internet forum, in a link on Weibo. Her Weibo post has since drawn over 166,000 comments.

“I was bred in Shanghai and was born in 1988 … My family is well off,” she wrote. “I have a boyfriend and have been dating him for a year. He comes from elsewhere. He’s good at working and has the looks that I like. But he doesn’t have a good financial background.”