Taking the leap and changing from glasses to contact lenses is an exciting but daunting experience. While contacts can often be more practical and enhance your appearance, the wearing of glasses will be something you have grown used to. It’s understandable that you will be feeling both eager to try something new but anxious about applying and caring for your new contacts. So instead of worrying, read these important things you need to know before getting contact to help you get prepared.


Visit your optician first

Before you go out and buy any old contact lenses, you need to see your optician. Book an appointment and take your current prescription glasses with you. They will then carry out an eye exam, consider your lifestyle and talk you through your options. They may also look into your family’s eye history. Depending on your optician, they may be able to supply you with some lenses there and then.

This will be beneficial if you’re nervous about inserting them as they can offer some additional support. It will also be insightful for them as they will be able to see how you deal with wearing them and putting them in yourself. They will also check your vision when wearing them and ensure they feel as comfortable as possible before you leave. Even if your optician is unable to supply them on the day, use this opportunity to ask them questions and voice your concerns.

Replace your case and keep it clean

Unless you buy daily contact lenses from suppliers such as Lens Direct, it’s likely you’ll need to have a lens case. This case is what you will store your lenses in when you take them out and should keep them hygienically clean. You have to clean this out frequently with warm water and keep it topped up with lens solution. This is something that your optician and lens suppliers should inform you of before you start.

You need to make sure you have sufficient time to do this regularly. You also need to ensure you always have clean hands and nails before undertaking this task. Over time, your case can get dirty and harbor harmful germs and bacteria. This can then get transferred to your lens and develop into severe infections and irritate your eye. So you need to commit to replacing your case every few months to make sure you’re storing your lenses in a clean environment when not in use.

You should never let your contacts get wet

You need to remove your contacts when swimming or in the bath or shower. Some sources of water hold an organism called Acanthamoeba which has been known to cause infection in parts of the eye such as the Cornea. You are more likely to develop this if you are a lens wearer as the organism binds to the surface of your contact. So never let your contact lens get wet or you could risk developing a stubborn condition that is hard to treat.


Remember that contacts are not for everyone and you may realise that glasses are a better choice for you. But unless you try you’ll never know.