There are many relations that we are bind into. We are someone’s son/daughter, mother/father, husband/wife, brother/sister, uncle/aunties, etc. The list of all these relationships is a long one. With time some relationships grow and some sours. The sweetest and the strongest relationships of these is definitely the brother-sister relationship one.

Have you ever thought why? We take birth and instantly become a son/daughter and a brother/sister to some people. Our parents are undoubtedly the source of our inspiration and forms our base teaching us important lessons of life. But it’s our brothers and sisters with whom we share that space which we cannot even share with parents.

They are our first friends even before joining school. With time this relationship just grows. Remember the moments when you were told by parents to talk to your younger brother or sister when they were adamant for silly things? You were told to talk to them because your parents also know that when your younger sibling is not ready to listen to anyone, he/she would only listen to you. You can send rakhi to Australia to your brother seated there and make him remind all your special moments.


All the best secrets of your life are kept safe with him for sure. You used to be his extra source of earning pocket money. When he is seated away from you, you are worried about his well-being just like a mother. That’s why sisters are called second mothers to their brothers. Annual visits may be all that they can manage to be with you. But when he is here, make sure you do not waste any moment and enjoy like rowdy mad just the way you used to do when you were kids. For his birthday, plan a great surprise even when he is away from you. Here are few ideas to amaze him on occasion or no occasion:

  1. Collect some of the childhood pictures of both of you and prepare a lovely collage to present him on his birthday.
  2. During rakhi send rakhi to Australia and make sure that the rakhi has to be a special one which would make your brother look smart. Choose a highly embellished one.
  3. On diwali, select some of his favorite sweet delicacies along with some fire crackers and courier it to him so that he can enjoy even miles away from homeland.
  4. On his graduation day, you can pay a surprise visit to him and feel proud on his accomplishment. Do not forget to take flowers along with you.
  5. The day he is promoted with renewed perks, send him a branded watch and a tie which would provide him a classy look.

A brother-sister relationship is always a special one. When both of you are together, you fight more than anything else. Because that’s the unique way of showering love on siblings. You may fight for the TV remote but when he is not around you won’t feel thrilled to watch the TV. Such is the sweet and pure bond of love that only a brother and sister can understand. With time it sees only more love and understanding.