Huh? What? Where in the world is this? The answer: Russia. A 16-year-old boy won a contest that we have to raise an eyebrow at, because who lets 16-year-olds join contests like these?!


Ruslan Schedrin is that boy. According to Mirror:

“I didn’t believe it at first, I thought it was rubbish. But when it turned out to be true, I thanked the website – I was so happy. I called my friends and they did not believe it either. They said, ‘What are you talking about?’ Now they are happy for me too. Some of them are envious.”

“I saw her and I liked everything. She has got good sizes. I am looking forward to our meeting so much – everything is boiling inside me. I am happy so much. I have told my mother and she has taken it badly, but I think we’ll sort it out.”

Obviously, his mother isn't too thrilled about it and isn't allowing it.


Check it out: