This isn’t exactly far fetched: You probably don’t watch your big screen TV as much as you do the tiny-in-comparison alternative one you keep in your pocket. Like reading books and anything else a smartphone has replaced these days, a large screen TV isn’t quite a need anymore. Here’s why.

1. Screen sizes are getting bigger.

They literally are! So much so that everyone may have to carry a bag for them in the future. The largest and best screen at current would probably be Samsung’s upcoming Galaxy S7 Edge at 5.5 inches and 534 ppi. That’s some guaranteed high-quality resolution there!

2. Resolution is HD. Need we say more?

Screen size and pixels per inch may be able to deliver high quality imaging, but it is actually the content that drives it. Video today is incredibly clear, and even at 720p, your eyes will feel like they are being made love to. Thanks to higher compression and broadband speeds, your experience isn’t compromised.

3. You’re probably watching “TV” everywhere around the house.

From the kitchen to the dining table to even when you do number 2. Your phone follows you to more places than your pet. It’s obvious you can’t be having a TV at every location in your house.

4. Apps that let you continue your viewing anywhere, any device.

From Netflix to YouTube, your viewing experience doesn’t have to necessarily start and end on your phone. You can stream it out to compatible devices too when you need or want to.

5. You can watch it! 

You can’t bring your TV to work, but luckily, you’ve got that YouTube app. A fair warning note: employers do not like to see you slacking off. So do it discreetly.


The bigger the screen of your phone, the better for your enjoyment. Featuring phones with screen sizes averaging 5 inches and more, you can get a new device whenever it comes out with Celcom First’s NewPhone feature. There’s no contract needed to sign up for it and there is complete freedom to choose any plan you’d like to get. Check it out here.