It's time to retire that old car of yours and upgrade to a newer model. You're done paying off the installments, and you're looking for a brand new one. Like buying a home, a car is also one of the largest purchases most people make in their lives. It would be in your interest to make sure the deal you are getting is the best possible.

Once you've done that, you're now left with finding the best auto financing banks can offer. Bank Rakyat's Auto Financing-i is an attractive scheme that aims to also reward you with either free petrol, free tolls, or free HPRTT for a year with interest rates as low as 2.70% annually.


The campaign is opened for successful applicants and for non-National car types. Every successfully approved applicant will have to send the SMS as per below to participate in it.

SMS to "66300"
DREAMAF <IC NUMBER> <Choice of Prize>

Here's a list of the grand prize options:
1. 1 year worth of vouchers for petrol
2. 1 year worth of toll money
3. HPRTT payment for a year


The grand prizes are worth RM20,000 each and 5 winners will be selected for it. Besides, there are also monthly and weekly prizes of petrol vouchers to be grabbed. For more information, contact Bank Rakyat at 1300-80-5454 or click here: