A festival is nothing more than a celebration of life and it brings peace and harmony to one’s life.  From the daily chores, it breaks the monotony of your life and that’s why visiting the friends and family is very important.

Sometimes, don’t you all feel that festivals are just an excuse to meet and greet people? Many of us thinks so because it is true that in our daily workload, we hardly find time to call or visit our old friends or relatives. But things change during festivals. Each one us do contact the friends, family, loved ones, and relatives and plan to have a great time with each other. Well, there lies the magic of these festivals which binds us emotionally.


Once you go back to your work after celebrating festivals in your homeland, you feel rejuvenated and get better enthusiasm to work. Festivals in our country can be grossly divided into three categories: national, religious, and social.

Our national festivals include Independence Day, Republic Day, and Gandhi Jayanti and there is a huge list of religious festivals because we are the home to the most number of religions in this world. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jains, etc. Each of these religions have their set of festivals and each of them are celebrated with much fun and frolic. Our social festivals are mainly birthday, marriage, anniversary, etc. National, religious, and social festivals that we gather and celebrate has a magical power of removing stress from our lives and color with new hope and positivity.

At these times of celebration it doesn’t matter how much you are earning, all that matters is “are we going home on the upcoming rakhi, Diwali, Holi, or Dusshera?” If yes, the whole family starts preparing to welcome you back and you begin to shop for gifts for various people. And after lot of trying, if your dear brother cannot come home, you can still send rakhi to USA as a blessing and also a wish that he will return on Diwali for sure.


As a kid, maybe we were not able to understand the implication or significance of these amazing and colorful festivals in our lives. We were then busy in our notorious activity, blazing fire crackers, and fun games. But now, those living away from home can grab the vitality of festivals which is all about togetherness. The pain of staying apart from loved ones is felt more during these days. All the relatives and friends those who are still in India can celebrate with much fanfare but our absence is felt very much for sure.