You know life is perfect when things just happen right and you get more than what you bargained or even paid for. Here are some 15 times you can’t deny you wished happened to you every other day.

1. When you pull RM20 from a pair of jeans you’ve not worn in a while.



2. When you got a double yolk.


The probability of it is one in a thousand. Consider yourself super lucky.

3. When the barista at Starbucks spells your name correctly.


How often is that? Take RM20 off your bill with this promotion here.

4. When your kid finally, and I mean, finally, goes to sleep. At 8pm.


You can have your life back now.

5. When the only time you wanted to eat ice cream was on the 31st of the month.


31% off! Steal!

6. When you get the tea to milk ratio PERFECT.


Time to celebrate. You can only hope the magic will happen again.

7. When colleagues at work realize you’re wearing new clothes.


Validation and clothes-mileage achieved!

8. When you ran out of toilet paper, but found you had one last roll.


You’re so so lucky.

9. When you pay for stuff and have the EXACT change:


Finally, your purse is getting a little lighter!

10. When your calendar was this free:


Now you can finally relax.

11. When your Internet allocation was a whopping 10GB


Never run out of data with 10GB of Internet (5GB monthly internet and 5GB weekend internet) with FIRST™ Gold for RM80/month. Definitely a deal!

12. When you get on a plane and no one is sitting beside you:


You cannot ask for anything more. Except more leg room! Yay!

13. When you luckily got to escape something you didn’t want to go for.


14. When your jam came on and you felt exactly like The Weeknd


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Life can’t be perfect, but it can at least be near it! Get a whopping 10GB of data (5GB monthly internet and 5GB weekend internet) with unlimited calls and SMS for RM80/month from First Gold. More details here.