The best way to ensure your family’s happiness and health is to resolve any family conflicts immediately and effectively. As a matter of fact, statistics show that family conflicts are one of the primary causes of various disorders such as anxiety, depression, peer problems and conduct in adolescents and teenagers.


The only way a family conflict can be resolved properly is when you are in control of yourself and can identify the problems. Then you have to highlight the goals, bring the matter to everyone’s attention, discuss it in detail and eventually be prepared to forgive. Listed below are the steps you need to take to deal with family conflicts:

Control yourself

There is no point in trying to resolve a conflict when you don’t have your own feelings under control. Your emotions are simply going to get in the way so your first priority should be getting them under control. Reacting immediately means you might end up doing or saying something that you regret later on. Join physical activity such as an exercise or a walk to calm yourself down or even write in your journal. When you have calmed down a bit, you will be able to interpret verbal and also nonverbal communication accurately to know exactly why the conflict occurred.

Understand the problem

You need to put a finger on the exact problem of the conflict and understand why it is a problem. If there are several issues responsible for the conflict, you need to deal with them one at a time. Think about the possible outcomes and go over the ones that are acceptable before you actually start talking. Bear in mind that winning is not the goal here; your whole aim is to resolve the family conflict.

Begin the discussion

Once you get a handle on the problem and its causes, it is time to set up a meeting where the conflict can be discussed by everyone involved. Make sure it is as soon as possible and it should be convenient for everyone. State the problem at the beginning of the discussion and ask everyone to express their views, opinions and feelings about the matter. You need to know everyone’s perspectives and request them to ask questions if there is any confusion. After everyone has voiced their opinions, you can brainstorm for figuring out a solution that works for all involved parties.

Get professional help

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you may not be able to resolve a family conflict effectively. Every outcome or solution you explore is not acceptable for some members so you end up back at square one. This is where you can seek family therapy where you visit a family therapist who can help you and the entire family in resolving the issue. These therapists are skilled in helping families understand each other in a better way, improve both verbal and nonverbal communication and also learn about any unhealthy problems and ways to fix them.