Wondering how you can make some free space in your home? Read on for a few ideas.

Head Into The Garden

Do you have a good-sized garden that you rarely use? How about building or buying a stand-alone shed and using it for storing items? If you currently store your garden equipment, like the lawn-mower, in your garage, you can move it into the shed. This can free up space in a room attached to your home, or allow for an extension.

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Hold A Car Boot Sale

One of the best ways to free up room in your home is to get rid of stuff! For valuable items that you think you can make some money on, sell them online. This goes for things like a grass strimmer that still works just fine, or clothes that are still in good shape. However, a lot of things in the house won’t fetch more money. For these items, take them to a car boot sale and sell them!

Stop Clutter In Its Tracks

Clutter is one of the most irritating things, isn’t it? Stop it in its tracks by not letting it build up in the first place. Once letters drop through the door, file them any and don’t let them build up. Don’t hoard collections of things on sideboards and window ledges. Keep this space free. The house will look tidier and you’ll find cleaning is easier too.

Use Self Storage

If using a company, go with a self storage option above anything else. Space Maker Self Storage are one such company to consider this. Self storage means that you can access your belongings whenever you want, day or night. It also means that there are no restrictions on how many times you can enter, and no extra fee if you do want to.

Visit the site before booking your storage room. Ask to see an example room of where you would be storing your items. You want to check that the place is clean, dry and most of all, safe. Use the time there to discuss prices and make sure there is no hidden cost.

Consider the amount of time you’ll want to space for. Over-estimate rather than under. You don’t want to need it for longer but find it’s been hired out after you. If that happens, you’ll have to move it all over again, which is both annoying and costly.

Improve Your Storage Solutions

Without even realising it, many of us are using ineffective or sub-par storage solutions in our homes. For example, do you have a chest of drawers where you can only get the drawers half open? If so, you’re not able to access the back section.

Same goes for how we store items, and whether we’re making the most of the room available. So, a hamper with shoes randomly thrown in won’t fit as much as a shelf of the same size with railings.

Take some time to look at the different places and unit you use to store things. Then consider if it is worth buying new models. This is an especially important step if you live in a small home that is already lacking in space. Look at the space in the room; could you fit a larger unit? If so you might as well turn than dead space into storage.