Alcohol abuse continues to be one of the world’s leading health issues. It’s not an easy feat to get away from a drinking problem – you can ask anyone who is currently in recovery!


According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking too much alcohol causes a cornucopia of health risks on several body parts, most notably the brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and the immune system. Despite these dangers, many people still fall prey to the euphoric effects of alcohol.

The battle against alcohol dependency is definitely an uphill climb for anyone who is on the road to recovery. However, these steps should be able to help you deal with a drinking problem:

1. Commitment

The first step always starts with an admission that you have a drinking problem. From there, you can expect a painstaking but gradual process of recovery.
The important next step after admitting to being an alcoholic is to be committed to stop drinking. Having comparison of advantages between drinking and abstaining should provide good reminders for you to stick to your goal.

2. Goal setting

Speaking of goals, you need to write specific targets in relation to drinking cessation. You may do any of the following:
•    Choose a target date when you will start refusing alcohol
•    Reduce drinking to a lower frequency
•    Limit the number of drinks per day or week
•    Make a gradual decrease in drinking volume or frequency as each month progresses

3. Planning and anticipation

As soon as you decide to quit drinking, be ready for withdrawal symptoms in the next few days. You need to anticipate the natural physiological effects of a sudden absence of alcohol intake. “Symptoms include trembling (shakes), insomnia, anxiety, and other physical and mental symptoms,” according to this article.

In addition, you should be aware of things that trigger you to drink, so that you can avoid them at all costs.

4. Purpose-driven life

One of the best ways to forget drinking is to look for other ways to make you happy. This includes finding purpose or meaning in your life. Living this new kind of life may involve any of the following:

•    Healthy lifestyle: Do exercise and follow a strict and nutritious diet.
•    Hobbies and interests: Pick up a new sport, find another job, or look for opportunities where you can volunteer.
•    Relationships: Start reaching out to acquaintances in order to make new friends, or meet up with your family and existing friends.

5. External support

Getting help from others may range from emotional support to a more comprehensive substance abuse treatment. Support from focus groups, medical experts, and social networks can motivate you to carry on your goal of freeing yourself from alcohol abuse.

Here are some channels where you can find help, as recommended by

•    Alcohol treatment facilities: Some centers offer in-house treatments for recovering alcoholics, who will undergo detoxification and education.
•    Outpatient treatment centers: People who don’t like staying long in treatment centers may choose this option. However, this option is recommended for those who have successfully undergone in-house treatment.

Getting used to alcohol isn’t easy to get rid of. However, with determination, clear goals, and a good support system, you should be able to get back on your feet and say no to alcohol.