Kanye West really took things to the next level with his use of this creepy image for his 'Famous' music video. Taylor Swift naked, huh? Now, Lena Dunham is coming out to blast Kanye for it. Check it out below.


The idea apparently came from a painting titled, "Sleep" by Vincent Desiderio.


Lena Dunham lost it:


"Now I have to see the prone, unconscious, waxy bodies of famous women, twisted like they've been drugged and chucked aside at a rager? It gives me such a sickening sense of dis-ease."

"Because I know that art's job is to make us think in ways that aren't always tidy or comfortable. But this feels different."


I'm sure that Bill Cosby doll being in the bed alongside Donald Trump is some kind of statement, that I'm probably being trolled on a super high level. I know that there's a hipper or cooler reaction to have than the one I'm currently having. But guess what? I don't have a hip cool reaction, because seeing a woman I love like Taylor Swift (fuck that one hurt to look at, I couldn't look), a woman I admire like, Rihanna or Anna, reduced to apair of waxy breasts made by some special effects guy in the Valley, it makes me feel sad and unsafe and worried for the teenage girls who watch this and may not understand that grainy roving camera as the stuff of snuff films. I hesitated a lot about saying anything cuz I figured the thinkpieces would come pouring in. But I didn't see this angle being explored as much as I had hoped. It's weird to feel like you're watching alone. I bet I'm not.

What do you think?